Well here we are, around one week in on the “lock-down” here in the UK and already couples up and down the land are at each others throats, God only knows how bad it is going to be in a few weeks time when cabin fever starts to set in. There may well be a few murders.

Here at Heat Not Burn UK we did get caught slightly on the hop with the deluge of new customers but we can now confirm in a further Coronavirus update that things are back to normal. Stock levels are good and orders are going out in a timely fashion. There might be a slight delay with the postal service but nothing to worry about in the grander scheme of things.
We have plenty of IQOS kits in stock and for our regulars we still of course have plenty of HEETS available across all five fantastic flavours.
With all the chaos caused by the “lock-down” and businesses large and small under the very real threat of going under we feel very lucky that we are able to continue trading. As said before in our last update we will continue trading until we are unable to, if that point arises.
We did note that the Government deemed off-licences selling alcohol as essential retailers. One could easily argue that as heat not burn and vaping are both effective harm reduction products they too should be classed as essential items. Sadly the government do not seem to care about this. Sounds like a case of “keep smoking we need the money.”
This utterly tedious lock-down may very well go on for weeks or even months, please stay safe out there and remember that your family is more important than anything else.
And do not forget the mantra: Stay at Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.
We may well release a further Coronavirus update if there is a drastic change to our operating ability.