Here at Heat not Burn UK we’re always interested in new reduced-harm tobacco products. As you’d expect we’re most interested in HnB devices, but we’re more than happy to have a look at anything else that comes on the market. One gadget we’ve wanted to take a look at for a while (but can’t, because it’s illegal in the EU) is JUUL, an ultra-compact e-cigarette that’s taken a huge share of the US market. The JUUL is also known as a Pod mod.
You might have heard of JUUL; it’s certainly been in the news enough recently. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s a very small and sleek e-cigarette that uses unique disposable pods. The pods don’t contain standard e-liquid; instead the juice is based on nicotine salts extracted from leaf tobacco. This is supposed to give a fast nicotine hit that’s more like a cigarette than a normal e-cig. It also has a 56mg/ml nicotine content, which is why we can’t get them in the EU.
The JUUL device is tiny, slim and rectangular; the pods snap into one end and then all you have to do is take a puff. It has an automatic switch that fires the coil every time you inhale, giving an experience that’s as close to a cigarette as you can get electronically. Each pod has about as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes and is designed to deliver 200 puffs, and the battery can be easily topped up with a USB charger.
So the JUUL is a pretty interesting little device, and it’s already picked up a hefty share of the US market – close to half of all e-cigs sold through convenience stores. That’s potentially a lot of smokers switching to a much safer alternative, so you’d expect the public health community to give it at least a cautious thumbs up, wouldn’t you? Oh wait; of course not. We all know not to expect much in the way of sense from public health types.
I’m not going to say that anti-JUUL hysteria has reached the level of the “Satanic Panic” in the 1980s, a frenzy of moral outrage about Satanic ritual abuse that saw dozens of nursery owners and employees arrested on suspicion of ritually sacrificing the children who had been entrusted to their care. It’s heading in that direction fast, though. There are daily articles from the USA, and they all follow a very similar – and totally ridiculous – theme.
According to the media, “Juuling” is an epidemic of nicotine use that’s threatening to turn the youth of America into addicts, zombies and probably communists. Schools are panicking at the thought of their students sneaking a puff in class, and nobody’s stopping to look at the actual evidence.
The panic seems to be caused by the design of the device itself. It’s very small, which the media usually translate into “easily hidden,” and thanks to its low power/high nicotine delivery mode, it doesn’t produce a lot of visible vapour. Although I’ve never tried one it seems like it would be the perfect stealth device, so I suppose it would be possible for kids to have a sly drag in class. What I’m not so sure about is why this is somehow worse than them smoking a crumpled Lambert & Butler behind the bike sheds at lunchtime.
What is JUUL anyway?
In any article on JUUL it’s obligatory to mention that “it looks like a USB stick”. It doesn’t, really; it’s longer and slimmer, and has a mouthpiece at one end – USB sticks don’t tend to have those, in my fairly broad experience of the things. Still, it’s small and oblong, so that’s close enough for the media and their public health puppet masters. Cue much hilarity.
In a classic case of over-reaction, one school district in Pennsylvania has banned real USB sticks from all its schools, apparently believing that this will stop students using an e-cig that vaguely resembles one. Officials from the district were falling over themselves to talk about how important this move was in preventing the JUUL epidemic; fortunately one maverick journalist asked them how many students in the district had actually been caught using a JUUL.
That’s right; the school brought in a totally disproportionate ban, and splashed the story all over the media, because they caught one student with a JUUL. I’d say this was ridiculous, if it wasn’t pathetic. Or maybe it’s both. The point is, hardly any US high school students are using JUUL. Far more are using normal e-cigs, mostly basic vape pens, and almost all teens who vape are former smokers!
First do no harm
The whole point these clowns are missing with their moral panic is that the product they’re panicking about was specifically designed to help people who already smoke to move to a safer alternative. They should be grateful for this; thanks to JUUL and other e-cigs, teen smoking in the USA is at its lowest rate in a century. Kids who weren’t attracted to smoking aren’t going to be attracted to vaping, either: they’re not going to buy a JUUL. The target market is adults who smoke, and it’s worth pointing out that any kids who do get their hands on a JUUL are violating the company’s strict prohibition on sales to under-21s.
What worries us at Heat not Burn UK is that the same panic that’s grown up around JUUL is likely to spread to products like iQOS when the FDA finally gets round to allowing them onto the US market. I can predict the headlines already; they’re going to focus on the fact that all the leading HnB devices are produced by tobacco companies, and throw in some wild speculation about students putting spliffs in them instead of Heets (a few articles about JUUL claimed students were mixing drugs into the liquid, despite the pod design making this impossible).
I fully support people’s right to smoke if they want to, but there’s no denying that it isn’t the healthiest habit. Smokers should have a choice of safer and effective recreational nicotine products to move to if they choose. JUUL is one of those products; iQOS, Glo and the iBuddy are others. If harm reduction advocates start supporting some products but not others, instead of combining forces against the common enemy, we’ll be picked off one by one.
Here at Heat Not Burn we are primarily all about heat not burn technology but Phillip Morris have released their own pod mod system called the iQOS Mesh and we are selling it right here on our website! Please click the Mesh banner below for more information.
Heck of an investment though! SO startup raising $150 million in weeks and has the lion’s share of the vape market already.
Pretty colours and $60 delivered!
Suddenly long haul flights, hotels and even hospitals become accessible again!
Bloody tablet. San Francisco startup.
Yes buddy it is amazing just how well it has done and how much of the market it has captured. Astonishing really!
Mind you it gets a lot of help from moronic American “public health” groups like Campaign For Tobacco Free Kids who plug the JUUL several times a day on Twitter to help create that faux outrage over it.
P.S Sorry for the delay in replying I missed this!
Although the EU has seen fit to ban Juul from the European market, it is possible to replicate the experience here.
I bought a Bpod device (by the same people who make the iBuddy) for a ridiculously low £5 from a Chinese website. It’s a beautifully made little stick and looks very similar to the Juul. There are also several competing pod devices sold from British sites too.
For the next step I got hold of some raw 72mg salt nicotine juice from a wholesaler, diluted it down to 40mg with a PG/VG mix and added some tobacco flavouring.
The pods are a bit tricky to fill but with practice it becomes easier (like the Juul, an emptied pod is meant to be discarded and replaced with a new full one). The vaping is a very nice experience. The lower power (I think these devices operate at around 3v) and the stronger nic juice brings out a whole different level of taste – more like a real cigarette. And you really do become satisfied after seven or eight puffs and put the device aside until you next feel like a session.
It’s weird that people are freaking out about the Juul specifically, when vaping/e-cigs have been a thing for how long now? Is it because it’s small and easy to hide?
It’s not that at all Rachel, it is because it actually works. The people behind creating the fake outrage are almost all tied in some way to big pharmaceutical companies, who are losing a massive share of the market to e-cigarettes and heat not burn devices. Some of these groups also get funding from governments to try and get people to quit, their success rates are going down as people turn to e-cigs or HnB instead.
It’s all about money just like it always has been. The patches/gum/inhaler market pretty much had a monopoly of the quitting market up until around 2010 when e-cigarettes really started to take off. Instead of trying to develop their own they have chosen instead to constantly attack them (e-cigarettes.) They will do the same to heat not burn and indeed have started, but they are still not finished with e-cigarettes yet.
The e-cigarette market is massive when compared to heat not burn which is why they are mainly concentrating on them but heat not burn is gaining ground, especially in the last couple of years. 🙂