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iQOS vs Glo – Which Is Better?

iQOS vs GloReading Time: 5 minutes

If you’ve been following this blog you’ll know that the Heat not Burn UK team have managed to get our hands on a few heated tobacco devices over the last year. This is pretty exciting, because it shows that manufacturers are taking heated tobacco seriously and trying to build a presence in the market. We’ve tried products from Chinese e-cig companies, and the very impressive Lil from KT&G. Right now we have three more HnB products on their way to us, so the reviews are going to keep on coming. As far as we can tell we already have more HnB reviews than any other HnB website worldwide, and we plan to keep it that way. Read on for our comprehensive iQOS vs Glo comparison.

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BAT invests a billion dollars in Romanian HnB factory

HnB Factory RomaniaReading Time: 4 minutes

There’s been a lot of talk recently from opponents of Heat not Burn – including, regrettably, some of the less intelligent vape reviewers – about how the technology has already peaked. Growth has slowed, they say; fewer smokers are switching to heated tobacco, and the market is already saturated. It’s true that iQOS sales in Japan have slowed over the last quarter, but does this mean the great heated tobacco experiment is fizzling out?

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Heat not Burn news roundup – May 2018

heat not burn newsReading Time: 4 minutes

As you’ve probably guessed, the team at Heat not Burn UK take a keen interest in anything related to heated tobacco products, so we’re always watching the news to see if anyone’s saying anything we think you should know about. Sometimes we find a big story, and we’ll always let you know about that right away. Other times we just feel like giving you an update on what’s happening.

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