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A history of Heat not Burn

RJ REYNOLDS ECLIPSE 1994Reading Time: 4 minutes

Heat not Burn, or HnB, is being hailed as the latest alternative to smoking. A range of new products are already on the market; more are in consumer trials and should be rolled out soon. By keeping the flavour and nicotine content of real tobacco, but taking away the toxic substances created by burning it, the aim is to keep the pleasure of smoking but eliminate most of the risk. The tobacco companies believe the popularity of e-cigarettes have opened the door; suddenly, for the first time, long-term smokers are willing to try new ways to get their nicotine. It hasn’t always been like this. Here we take a look at the history of heat not burn.

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An introduction to Heat not Burn

Selection of heat not burn devicesReading Time: 5 minutes

For centuries people smoked tobacco, then a few years ago e-cigarettes appeared, and now the next big thing is Heat not Burn, HnB or heated tobacco. This idea has actually been around for a while, but technology was never advanced enough for it to be a real success. Now electronics and batteries have caught up with the concept and a whole range of new devices are starting to appear.

So you’re probably wondering what, exactly, is heat not burn all about? The answer is it’s the latest alternative to smoking – so it’s a technology that could save a lot of lives.

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