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We are looking for more HnB devices to review.

Heat not burn device reviewReading Time: < 1 minute

As well as being a popular website to purchase from we are also a very good comprehensive review website for everything heat not burn related. We have over twenty reviews so far of heat not burn devices from all over the world. We are usually inundated with companies asking us to review their products but at the moment we are not quite so busy, so we are reaching out in this post.

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Heat not Burn UK Exclusive – AYI Review

AYI heat not burnReading Time: 5 minutes

I think I’ve probably mentioned before that, outside of places like Philip Morris’s research lab in Neuchatel, I might just have the largest collection of Heat not Burn devices in the world. Although I’m mostly a vaper I actually have a lot more tobacco vaporisers than I do e-cigs.

Obviously the reason I have so many HnB gadgets is that people give me them to review, but to be honest I’d probably have started collecting them anyway at some point. By the time I started vaping in 2013 the technology was already pretty mature; within a few weeks of stubbing out my last cigarette I was using a variable-power mod and rebuildable atomiser. There have been a few tweaks since then, but I’m still using evolved versions of those devices.

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Tasmania Joins The Junk Science Olympics

Tasmanian DevilReading Time: 4 minutes

Tasmania isn’t a place you tend to hear of much. Apart from giving us interesting animals like the Tasmanian devil it just sits there south of Australia being quietly… well, Tasmanian. Well, I wish it would keep doing that, because the latest news from the island is not good for Heat not Burn. It isn’t true either, but since when did that stop the media – not to mention the usual crowd of “public health” pests – from making a fuss?

A team of researchers led by Dr Sukhwinder Sohal of the University of Tasmania has just produced a study which, they claim, shows that vaping – whether with HnB products or conventional e-cigarettes – is just as bad for you as smoking.

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