As a team Heat Not Burn UK has been plugging away for getting on four years now with precious little recognition in terms of our actual content. Sure we are successful IQOS sellers and probably one of the best online resources for everything to do with heat not burn. We’ve had a plug from the BBC a couple of years ago and we also got linked in a UK government paper but by and large our blog work has gone unnoticed.
Until now!
The rather excellent Heat180.com website have awarded us with their prestigious “Best content” award for 2019 for our hard work in getting the word out about heat not burn. To say we are chuffed to bits about this would be an understatement, it is so nice to gain recognition for all of our hard work. We have over 100 quality posts spanning just over three and a half years on every conceivable facet of heat not burn technology, so in terms of content we are certainly doing our part to get the word out, and it is always nice when this gets noticed. If you keep on plugging away giving it 100% reward eventually arrives!
For any of our readers unfamiliar with Heat180.com they are an Anglo-Canadian independent virtual community for heat not burn enthusiasts, so naturally you can see why we are so supportive of their website. Just like us they are trying their best to get the word out about heat not burn. They also do product reviews along with the latest heat not burn news. Are they a rival? No. Both of our websites are essentially doing the same thing which is getting the word out, and because of that we are very happy to be able to recommend Heat180.com.